北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター (天塩研究林)では、2020年2月25日~28 日に冬の森林生態学に関する国際実習を開催します。
詳細は、以下の Webpageをご覧ください。 https://winter-forest-ecology.weebly.com/ 使用言語は英語です。質問などございましたら、小林真(makoto (at) fsc. hokudai.ac.jp)までお問い合わせください ((at) を@へ変更) 。
University Forests will hold an Winter Forest Ecology Course JAPAN from 25th to 28th February 2020 in northern Hokkaido.
The target students are 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students and master’s course students. During the field course, the students will learn basic and applied knowledge about snow function, above and below-ground plant ecology, soil nutrient dynamics, carbon flux, soil faunal activity and silvicultural activity in winter forest.
For the detail, please visit our webpage https://winter-forest-ecology.weebly.com/
The application will be accepted until 30th January. Please feel free to forward this information to whom might have interests in leaning winter forest ecology in the middle of beautiful forest with heavy snow. If you have question, please contact Makoto Kobayashi ( makoto(a)fsc.hokudai.ac.jp ), one of the organizers of the course.