Oshoro Marine Station Aquatic Research Station

The station was founded as a facility of the Faculty of Fisheries, Tohoku University in 1908, and is the second oldest marine station in Japan. It is located in Oshoro Bay, a small bay about 15 km southwest of Otaru City. The bay is located in the inner part of the Ishikari Bay where the warm Tsushima Current prevails during summer to autumn and the cold Liman Current is mixed with coastal water from winter to spring. The water temperature ranges between 5-22℃ through the year, and tidal levels are stable. The station is located near a small exposed shore reef and conditions are relatively calm during strong winds, This area is a good habitat for many marine organisms, such as invertebrates, fishes, and seaweeds, which makes it suitable for conducting rearing experiments for these organisms, seawater monitoring, and plankton sampling. A stuff of the marine station works on kelp, and many researchers and students from the Sapporo and Hakodate campuses use the station to carry out ecological and taxonomical research, as well as chemical analyses.

Oshoro Marine Station
1-460, Oshoro, Otaru, Hokkaido, 048-2561, JAPAN
oshoro [at] fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Official Site