Experiment Farm Agro-ecosystem Research Station

The Experimental Farm (ca. 50 ha) was founded in 1876 with the establishment of Sapporo Agricultural College and was modeled on the farm of the Massachusetts Agricultural College (U.S.A.). The farm is situated on the main campus, and is well equipped for agricultural education and research. Various researches have been carried out including physiology, ecology, genetic and breeding for food, industrial, horticultural and forage crops, and for animals, such as silkworms, cows, pigs and chickens. Processing of agricultural products and crop-production engineering are also conducted. Recent research activities have focused on sustainable crop and field management, improvement of biomass resources, genetic improvement of fruits and flowers using plant biotechnology techniques, interactions between plants and microorganisms, sustainable livestock production systems, and crop production under environmental control systems using biomass and natural energy. The landscape of the farm, especially its row of old poplar trees, is recognized as a symbol of Hokkaido University among citizens and tourists. The orchard, an ancillary facility of the farm, was established in 1912 and is located in Yoichi 70 km from Sapporo. Research focuses mainly on apple, pear and grape production, and the breeding for small fruits adapted to cool regions, such as blueberry and hascup is being conducted.

Experiment Farm
N11W10, Kita, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0811, JAPAN
farm [at] fsc.hokudai.ac.jp
Official Site