Section of Forest Research

This division conducts various research based on long term observation and in situ experiments on forest ecosystems by using research fields of large experimental forests and organizations. Especially, we study forest biodiversity, conservation of ecosystem functions and sustainable management of local resources under changing environments.


  • Biodiversity Research Group
  • This research group focuses on trees and other plants, insects and vertebrates in forest ecosystems, covering all levels of biodiversity, including their populations dynamics, genetic diversity, evolution of behavior and life history, relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functions, impact of climate change, and landscape conservations.

  • Ecosystem Function Research Group
  • This research group focuses on ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, hydrology and micrometeorology to clarify environmental conservation functions and ecosystem services of forest based on in situ observations and experiments of material cycling, soil, river water quality, climate and hydrological processes in forest ecosystems.

  • Regional Resource Management Research Group
  • This research group focuses on sustainable management of regional forest resources with attention to ecosystem conservation to promote co-existence of forest and human society by investigating various regional resources produced from natural and planted forests and their management practices.


Section of Agro-ecosystem Research

In the Experiment Farm, the Botanic Garden, and the Shizunai Livestock Farm, issues in the coexistence of biological production and environmental protection are studied. Towards sustainable biological production in agro-ecosystems, the investigation of biological resource diversity and the collection and conservation of genetic resources are conducted.


  • Biological Production and Resource Conservation Research Group
  • For sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry, biological production technologies with low environmental impact are developed. For this purpose, research and education regarding fundamental knowledge in biodiversity, collection and conservation of genetic resources as well as the utilization and development of biological resources are conducted.


Section of Aquatic Research

This division promotes research on the biological sciences and resource production of various aquatic organisms that inhabit the magnificent oceans, rivers, and lakes of Hokkaido. We work on various subjects including basic biological processes to dynamics and management of commercially important species, and development of advanced observation technology for analyzing ecosystem changes.


  • Marine Biology Research Group
  • This research group studies marine organisms in cold-current systems, especially focusing on major primary producers such as seaweed, seagrass and phytoplankton, and animals associated with them. We conduct interdisciplinary research integrating various levels of life sciences, from genetics to ecosystem to elucidate various processes of life and ecology of marine species.

  • Biological Resource Research Group
  • This research group studies the production mechanism and the management of resource organisms that inhabit any aquatic environments from freshwater to sea areas. We aim to solve problems on resource conservation and management by ecological approaches, and to foster development of pioneering technology for aquaculture.

  • Marine Ecosystem Change Analysis Group
  • This research group studies the changes in the marine environment and biological resources by making full use of ocean sensing technologies and spatial analytical methods in high and mid-latitude waters of the Northern Hemisphere which has the highest productivity in the world. This research group also studies the comprehensive diagnosis of marine ecosystems for the sustainable use of marine biological resources.


Section of Integrated Research

This section targets the biosphere that covers forests, farmlands, and aquatic areas, which is handled by the other three sections of the FSC, and conducts cross-disciplinary and comprehensive education and research, based on the interrelationships of each sphere, in order to enhance the coexistence between humans and the natural environment.


  • Complex Ecosystem Group
  • This group conducts a research project that quantitatively evaluates various ecosystem services across the three spheres using integrated approach including large-scale field experiments, simulation analyses and bio-logging methods in order to explore methods for sustainable bioproduction and biodiversity conservation.
