Researchers in our center are involved in education in Division of Biosphere Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science (three
courses in Aquatic Biology, Forest Conservation, and Agro-Ecosystem Science) and Graduate School of Agriculture.

Graduate School of Education

Graduate School of Environmental Science:
Graduate School of Agriculture:

School of Education(Training, experiments and lectures and exercises)

School of Agriculture:
School of Science:
School of Fisheries Sciences:
General Education Courses:
Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program(HUSTEP):
Environmental Science for Biological Resources. Field Bioscience in the Northern Biosphere, Agriculture in Hokkaido.

Educational use by an other university

Nayoro City University:
Tokyo Metropolitan University:
Rakuno Gakuen University:
Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo Campus:
Wakayama University:
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine:
Seoul National University:
Sapporo International University: