Author: Willy Angraini
Title: Effect of Sea Surface Warming on phytoplankton size classes (PSCs) and Primary Production in the Coastal Oyashio Region, Northwest Pacific (水温上昇が北西太平洋沿岸親潮域の植物プランクトンサイズ組成と基礎生産に与える影響)
Author: Nona Kudo(工藤 乃菜)
Title: Seasonal variation in microalgae photosynthetic characteristics and transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs) in eelgrass beds and their controlling factors
Author: Kyoko Tsugane(津金 響子)
Title: The influence of artificial light at night (ALAN) on marine sessile community
Author: Hikari Hagiwara(萩原 ひかり)
Title: Community structure of subtidal macroalgae and estimation of their distribution in Akkeshi Bay
令 和 4 年 度 卒 (2 0 2 2 年 度)
Author: Seishiro Koda(甲田 聖志郎)
Title: Effects of grazing and disturbance by waterfowl on seagrass biomass and its temporal change (草食性鳥類による摂食と攪乱が海草に与える影響の評価)
Author: Takahiro Saito(齋藤 昂大)
Title: Seasonal variation in predation intensity on mesograzers in an eelgrass bed
Author: Tomonori Sekioka(関岡 寛知)
Title: Community structure of benthic amphipods in subtidal bottom of Akkeshi Bay and Akkeshi-ko estuary, northeastern Japan
Author: Itsuki Ariizumi(有泉 樹)
Title: Effect of artificial light at night on the biorhythm and adhesive ability of a mussel Mytilus trossulus
Author: Kanako Iguchi(井口 華菜子)
Title: Creating a reference database for eDNA decapod research in Akkeshi Bay
Author: Yuki Kawashima(川島 有貴)
Title: Evaluating the production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) as a blue carbon pathway in the subarctic eelgrass meadow (Zostera Marina)
(亜寒帯域のアマモ場におけるブルーカーボン貯蔵経路としての透明細胞外重合物質粒子(TEP) 生成過程の評価)
Author: Wakako Bun-ya(文谷 和歌子)
Title: Assessing the distribution and source of colored and fluorescent dissolved organic matter in wetland-estuary-shallow coastal waters continuum
令 和 3 年 度 卒 (2 0 2 1 年 度)
Author: Minako Abe Ito (伊藤(阿部) 美菜子)HUSCAP
Title: Variation in phenology, biological traits, and associated epifaunal community between native and non-native populations of the seagrass Zostera japonica
Author: Uki Kawata(川田 有季)
Title: Dynamics of summer phytoplankton bloom in Akkeshi Bay: responses of phytoplankton assemblages to nutrient availability (厚岸湾における夏季植物プランクトンブルームの発生メカニズムの解明)
Author: Satoru Tahara(田原 聖)
Title: Analysis of Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Seagrass Beds Using UAVs
Author: Yuri Ito(伊藤 柚里)
Title: Evaluation of trapping effects of microplastics in seagrass beds
Author: Chikako Iio(飯尾 千賀子)
Title: The influence of light pollution on the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius
令 和 2 年 度 卒 (2 0 2 0 年 度)
Author: Mizoho Namba(難波 瑞穂)HUSCAP
Title: The Effect of Salinity Gradient on Ecosystem Functions and Biodiversity of Eelgrass Bed Communities
Author: Takaaki Hasegawa(長谷川 貴章)
Title: Trophic transfer of microplastics and associated chemical additives from crustacean prey to fish (捕食被食関係を通じたマイクロプラスチックと添加剤の餌生物から魚類への移行)
令 和 元 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 9 年 度)
Author: Kenji Sudo(須藤 健二)HUSCAP
Title: Evaluation and prediction of marine biodiversity changes using species distribution models
Author: Uki Kawata(川田 有季)
Title: Are microplastic particles a new stressor for marine benthic animals? Comparing the effects of microplastic and natural seston on Mytilus trossulus
(キタノムラサキイガイ(Mytilus trossulus)に対するマイクロプラスチック粒子と天然粒子の比較影響評価)
Author: Satoru Tahara(田原 聖)
Title: Application of deep learning for mapping seagrass beds: is it possible to classify seagrass species from drone images?
平 成 3 0 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 8 年 度)
Author: Mone Ota(太田 百音)
Title: Interactive effects of microplastics and ocean warming on the marine bivalve Mytilus trossulus (マイクロプラスチックと海水温上昇がキタノムラサキイガイに与える相互作用)
平 成 2 9 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 7 年 度)
Author: Kyosuke Momota(百田 恭輔)HUSCAP
Title: Bottom-up control on mobile invertebrate community in an eelgrass bed: Contribution of different functional groups of epibiotic organisms (アマモ場の移動性無脊椎動物にはたらくボトムアップ制御:異なる機能群に属する固着性生物の貢献)
Author: Mizoho Namba(難波 瑞穂)
Title: Spatial variation in primary producers and epifaunal community of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Eastern Hokkaido (北海道東部のアマモ場における一次生産者と葉上動物群集の空間変異)
Author: Haruka Yamaguchi(山口 遥香)
Title: Effects of ocean warming on plant-plant and plant-animal interactions in surfgrass bed (海水温上昇がスガモ場の植物ー植物および植物ー動物関係に与える影響)
Author: Takaaki Hasegawa(長谷川 貴章)
Title: The impact of warming on consumption rate of marine grazers (地球温暖化が海洋性植食者の摂食率に与える影響)
Author: Ryo Futamura(二村 凌)
Title: Predicting the distribution of bivalves in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas using species distribution model (北ベーリング・チャクチ海における二枚貝の分布推定)
平 成 2 8 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 6 年 度)
Author: Takuya Teranishi(寺西 琢矢)
Title: The effect of vertical and horizontal microhabitat structure on predation pressure for small crustaceans in eelgrass bed (アマモ場の垂直・水平構造が小型甲殻類に対する捕食圧に与える影響)
Author: Mone Ota(太田 百音)
Title: Temperature-dependency in the effect of Microplastic pollution on marine benthic filter feeters (海洋底生生物に対するマイクロプラスチック汚染の効果の温度依存性)
平 成 2 7 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 5 年 度)
Author: Venus Empron Leopardas HUSCAP
Title: Variation in community structure of seagrass macrofauna across multiple spatial scales (多重空間スケールに沿った海草藻場マクロファウナの群集構造の変異)
Author: Minako Ito(伊藤 美菜子)
Effects of ocean acidification on calcareous sessile polychaetes (Neodexiospira brasiliensis and Circeis spirillum) in seagrass bed (アマモ場に生息するウズマキゴカキ2種(Neodexiospira brasiliensis and Circeis spirillum)に対する海洋酸性化の影響)
Author: Mao Kusuzaki(楠崎 真央)
Title: Combined effects of seawater warming and ocean acidification on epiphytic snail Lacuna decorata in eelgrass bed (海水温の上昇と海洋酸性化がアマモ葉上の巻貝コウダカチャイロタマキビに与える複合的な影響)
Author: Hiromi Sugai(須貝 広海)
Title: Effects of microplastics on the lugworm Abarenicola pacifica (イソタマシキゴカイAbarenicola pacificaに対するマイクロプラスチックの影響)
Author: Haruka Yamaguchi(山口 遥香)
Title: Heat stress tolerance of the sea anemones Diadumene lineata and Metridium senile (タテジマイソギンチャクおよびヒダベリイソギンチャクにおける高温ストレス耐性)
平 成 2 6 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 4 年 度)
Author: Masaaki Sato(佐藤 允昭)HUSCAP
Title: Larval dispersal patterns and their effects on population structures of two anemonefishes (Amphiprion frenatus and Amphiprion perideraion) in the Philippines (フィリピンにおけるクマノミ属魚類の幼生分散と個体群構造に関する研究)
Author: Miho Ito(伊藤 海帆)
Title: Spatical variation of phytoplankton and ocean enviroment in Hamanaka and Biwase Bays: Evaluating effects of Kiritappu Wetland (浜中・琵琶瀬湾の海洋環境と植物プランクトンの空間変異:霧多布湿原の影響の評価)
Author: Takuya Teranishi(寺西 琢矢)
Title: The effect of seagrass morphological structure on predation rate of epifauna
平 成 2 5 年 度 卒 (2 0 1 3 年 度)
Author: Minako Ito(伊藤 美菜子)
Title: Effects of CO2 enrichment on Spirorbib polychete Neodexiospira brasiliensis