北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター 室蘭臨海実験所







動物のギャップ結合や緑色植物の原形質連絡、紅藻のピットプラグのように、多細胞生物には細胞間連絡構造が存在しています。褐藻類にも隣接する細胞同士で細胞膜が細胞壁内を貫くように連結した原形質連絡が存在していますが、陸上植物のものとは異なり、小胞体から派生するデスモ小管は見られません。褐藻類における原形質連絡は、陸上植物と同様に厚い細胞壁で覆われた細胞間の物質移動に関わっていると考えられていますが、詳細については未だ明らかにされていません。本研究テーマでは 原形質連絡の構造と機能について、その形成過程と出現パターンの関係から明らかにしようとしています。






生物進化の過程でいつ、どのように有性生殖が誕生したかは不明ですが、それが生物進化において必須であったことは確かです。 多くの生物で、雄性配偶子(精子)が雌性配偶子(卵)からの性フェロモンによって誘引され、 お互いを認識して受精(細胞融合)が起こることはよく知られています。 褐藻の有性生殖では雌性配偶子からのエクトカルペンやフコセラテンなどの低分子疎水性炭化水素によって 雄性配偶子が誘因されることが、ドイツ人藻類学者のミューラー博士等により報告されてきました。 しかし、雄性配偶子に存在すると考えられる受容体についてはまったく未知のままです。 褐藻の配偶子は不等毛植物の名の通り、マスチゴネマの付着した長い前鞭毛と短い後鞭毛を持っています。 受精の時には、雄性配偶子の前鞭毛が雌性配偶子表面をなでるような運動を行うことも観察されてきました。 現在、フェロモン受容体は雄性配偶子の鞭毛に存在しているのではないかという仮説のもとに、 雌雄配偶子から鞭毛を単離し、LC-MS/MSによる比較プロテオミクスにより研究を進めています。


海藻(緑藻、紅藻、褐藻)は陸上植物と大きく異なり、それぞれが特徴的な生活環を有しています。 例えば、コンブやワカメは巨視的胞子体と微視的雌雄配偶体が独立して存在しています。つまり、フィールドでの藻場の造成・維持管理を考える時には、独自の生活環とその制御を考えた上での対策が必要となります。海藻の場合、種を蒔けば生えてくる訳ではありません。北海道日本海側の沿岸域では海の砂漠化と呼ばれている磯焼けが進行しています。室蘭臨海実験所は、海藻類の無菌培養、栄養生理、生活環制御について長く研究を進めてきた研究室です。そこで、海水中の鉄をキーワードとした藻場再生事業を新日本製鐵住金とともに共同研究を展開しています。海洋において鉄は藻類の生長にとって制限要因であることは良く知られています。コンブを例にとると、1)胞子体から放出された遊走子は鉄に対して正の走化性を持つこと、2)雌雄配偶体は培地中の鉄により成熟が誘導されること、3)胞子体の成長に鉄は必須であることが明らかとなっています。これら厳密にコントロールされた室内実験での結果をフィールドに反映させた形で実際のフィールドでの藻場再生にチャレンジしています。




2.Moromizato, R., Fukuda, K., Suzuki, S., Motomura, T., Nagasato, C., & Hirakawa, Y. Pyrenoid proteomics reveals independent evolution of the CO2-concentrating organelle in chlorarachniophytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, e2318542121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2318542121
1.Takeuchi, Y., Sato, S., Nagasato, C., Motomura, T., Okuda, S., Kasahara, M., Fumio Takahashi & Yoshikawa, S. Sperm-specific histone H1 in highly condensed sperm nucleus of Sargassum horneri. Scientific Reports, 14, 3387. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53729-2


5.Horinouchi, Y., & Togashi, T. Unicellular and multicellular developmental variations in algal zygotes produce sporophytes. Biology Letters, 19, 20230313. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0313
4.Togashi, T., Parker, G. A., & Horinouchi, Y. Mitochondrial uniparental inheritance achieved after fertilization challenges the nuclear–cytoplasmic conflict hypothesis for anisogamy evolution. Biology Letters, 19, 20230352. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0352
3.Shen, Y., Motomura, T., Ichihara, K., Matsuda, Y., Yoshimura, K., Kosugi, C., & Nagasato, C. Application of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing by microinjection of gametophytes of Saccharina japonica (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-023-02940-1
2.Godfroy, O., Zheng, M., Yao, H., Henschen, A., Peters, A. F., Scornet, D., Colin, S., Ronchi, P., Hipp, K., Nagasato, C., Motomura T., Cock, M. & Coelho, S. M. The baseless mutant links protein phosphatase 2A with basal cell identity in the brown alga Ectocarpus. Development, 150. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.201283
1.Aoki, H., Katsaros, C., Motomura, T., & Nagasato, C. Simultaneous visualization of the actin plate and new cell partition membrane during cytokinesis in the brown alga Sphacelaria rigidula (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae). Phycological Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/pre.12512


6.Nagasato, C., Yonamine, R., & Motomura, T. Ultrastructural observation of cytokinesis and plasmodesmata formation in brown algae. Plant Cell Division: Methods and Protocols, 253-264.
5.Innami, R., Miyamura, S., Okoshi, M., Nagumo, T., Ichihara, K., Yamazaki, T., & Kawano, S. Gamete dimorphism of the isogamous green alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), is regulated by the mating type-determining gene, MID. Communications Biology, 5, 1333. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-04275-y
4.Horinouchi, Y., & Togashi, T. Invisible grazers of seaweed propagules. Ecology, 103, e3732. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3732
3.Mazeas, L., Yonamine, R., Barbeyron, T., Henrissat, B., Drula, E., Terrapon, N., Nagasato, C., & Herve, C. (2022, March). Assembly and synthesis of the extracellular matrix in brown algae. In Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. Academic Press.
2.Shen, Y., Motomura, T., & Nagasato, C. Ultrastructural observations of mitochondrial morphology through the life cycle of the brown alga, Mutimo cylindricus (Cutleriaceae, Tilopteridales) Protoplasma 259, 371-383. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-021-01679-1
1.Kim, G. H., Nagasato, C., Kwak, M., Lee, J. W., Hong, C. Y., Klochkova, T. A., & Motomura, T. Intercellular transport across pit-connections in the filamentous red alga Griffithsia monilis. Algae 37, 75-84. https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.2.16


5.Ichihara,K., Yamazaki, T. & Kawano, S. Genome editing using a DNA-free clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-Cas9 system in green seaweed Ulva prolifera. Phycological Research 70, 50-56. 10.1111/pre.12472
4.Badis, Y., Scornet, D., Harada, M., Caillard, C., Godfroy, O., Raphalen, M., Gascon, C., Coelho, S., Motomura, T., Nagasato, C., & Cock, J. M. Targeted CRISPR-Cas9-based gene knockouts in the model brown alga Ectocarpus. New Phytologist 231, 2077-20913. 10.1111/nph.17525
3.Yonamine, R., Ichihara, K., Tsuyuzaki, S., Herve, C., Motomura, T., & Nagasato, C. Changes in Cell Wall Structure During Rhizoid Formation of Silvetia babingtonii (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) Zygotes. Journal of Phycology 57, 1356-1367. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msz186
2.Zhang, J., Yotsukura, N., Jueterbock, A. Hu, Z., Assis, J., Nagasato, C., Yao, J. & Duan, D. Detecting no natural hybridization and predicting range overlap in Saccharina angustata and Saccharina japonica. J Appl Phycol 33, 693-702 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-020-02300-3
1.Shen, Y., Iwao, T., Motomura, T. & Nagasato, C. Cytoplasmic inheritance of mitochondria and chloroplasts in the anisogamous brown alga Mutimo cylindricus (Phaeophyceae). Protoplasma 258, 19-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-020-01540-x


2.Choi, J.W., Graf, L., Peters, A.F., Cock, J.M., Nishitsuji, K., Arimoto, A.,Shoguchi, E., Nagasato, C., Choi, C.G. & Yoon, H.S. Organelle inheritance and genome architecture variation in isogamous brown algae. Sci Rep 10, 2048. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-58817-7
1.Nagasato, C., Kawamoto, H., Tomioka, T., Tsuyuzaki, S., Kosugi, C., Kato., T & Motomura, T. Quantification of laminarialean zoospores in seawater byreal-time PCR. Phycological Research 68:57?62. https://doi.org/10.1111/pre.12384


7.Miyamura, S., Ichihara, K., Yamazaki, T., Kuwano, K. & Kawano, S. Visualization of Gamete Mating Structure of Marine Green Alga by FE-SEM. Cytologia 9: 13523. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50070-x
6.Mignerot, L., Nagasato, C., Peters, A., Perrineau, M., M., Scornet, D., Pontheaux, F., Djema, W., Roze, D., Motomura. T., Coelho, S., M., Cock, J., M. Unusual patterns of mitochondrial inheritance in the brown alga Ectocarpus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36: 2778?2789. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msz186
5.Ichihara, K., Yamazaki, T., Miyamura, S., Hiraoka, M. & Kawano, S. Asexual thalli originated from sporophytic thalli via apomeiosis in the green seaweed Ulva. Scientific Report 9: 13523. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50070-x
4.Zhang, J., Yao, J., Hu, Z.‐M., Jueterbock, A., Yotsukura, N., Krupnova, T., N., Nagasato., C. & Duan, D. Phylogeographic diversification and postglacial range dynamics shed light on the conservation of the kelp Saccharina japonica. Evolutionary Applications. 12:791?803. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.12756
3.Sahul, H., S., Wakayama, M., Ichihara, K., Sakurai, K., Ashino, Y., Kadowaki, R., Soga, T. and Tomita, M. Metabolome profling of various seaweed species discriminates between brown, red, and green algae. Planta 249: 1921-1947
2.Kinoshita-Terauchi, N., Shiba, K., Umezawa, T., Matsuda, F., Motomura, T. and Inaba, K. A brown algal sex pheromone reverses the sign of phototaxis by cAMP/Ca2+-dependent signaling in the male gametes of Mutimo cylindricus (Cutleriaceae). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 192: 113-123
1.Klochkova, T., A., Motomura, T., Nagasato, C., Klimova, A., V. and Kim, G., H. The role of egg flagella in the settlement and development of zygotes in two Saccharina species. Phycologia. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1080/00318884.2018.1528804


4.Zhang, J., Yao, J. Hu, Zi-Min, Jueterbock, A., Yotsukura, N., Krupnova, T. Nagasato, C. and Duan, De-Lin. (2018) Phylogeographic diversification and postglacial range dynamics shed light on the conservation of the kelp Saccharina japonica . Evolutionary Applications .12:791?803
3.Cui, J., Monotilla, A., P., Zhu, W., Takano, Y., Shimada, S., Ichihara, K., Matsui, T., He, P., and Hiraoka, M. (2018) Taxonomic reassessment of Ulva prolifera (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) based on specimens from the type locality and Yellow Sea green tides. Phycologia 57: 692-704.
2.Nagasato, C. and Motomura, T. (2018) Effect of brefeldin A and the dynamics of the actin plate on cytokinesis of zygotes in the brown alga, Silvetia babingtonii (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). European Journal of Phycology. doi.org/10.1080/09670262.2018.1501516
1.Nagasato, C., Katsaros, C. and Motomura, T. (2018) Cryofixation of brown algae for transmission electron microscopy. In Protocols for macroalgae research [eds Charrier, B., Wichard, T. and Reddy, C. R. K.], CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group.


9.Godfroy, O., Uji, T., Nagasato, C., Lipinska, A. P., Scornet, D., Peters, A. F., Avia, K., Colin, S., and Mignerot L., Motomura, T., Cock, J. M. and Coelho, S. (2017) DISTAG/TBCCd1 is required for basal cell fate determination in Ectocarpus. Plant Cell. DOI 10.1105/tpc. 17.00440.
8.Yamazaki, T., Ichihara, K., Suzuki, R., Oshima, K., Miyamura, S., Kuwano, K., Toyoda, A., Suzuki, Y., Sugano, S., Hattori, M. & Kawano, S. (2017) Genomic structure and evolution of the mating-type locus in the green seaweed Ulva partita. Scientific Reports 71(1): 11679. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11677-0.
7.Hiraoka, M., Ichihara, K., Zhu, W., Shimada, S., Oka, N., Cui, J., Tsubaki, S. & He, P. (2017) Examination of species delimitation of ambiguous DNA-based Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) clades by culturing and hybridization. Phycologia 56 (5): 517-532. doi.org/10.2216/16-109.1.
6.Masakiyo, Y., Ogura, A., Ichihara, K., Yura, K. & Shimada S. (2017) RNA-seq analysis revealed molecular mechanism for low-salinity adaptation between closely related ulvarian seawater and brackish water distributed species. Algal Resourses 9: 61-76.
5.Saber, A., A., Ichihara, K. & Cantonati, M. (2017) Molecular phylogeny and detailed morphological analysis of two freshwater Rhizoclonium strains from contrasting spring types in Egypt and Italy. Plant biosystems 151: 800-812. doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2016.1211195.
4.Kinoshita, N., Nagasato, C. and Motomura, T. (2017) Phototaxis and chemotaxis of brown algal swarmers. Journal of Plant Research DOI 10.1007/s10265-017-0914-8.
3.Kinoshita, N., Nagasato, C. and Motomura, T. (2017) Calcium control of the sign of phototaxis in brown algal gametes of Mutimo cylindricus. Photochemistry and Photobiology (in press).
2.Iwata, I., Kimura, K., Tomaru, Y., Motomura. T., Koike, K., Koike, K. and Honda, D. (2017) Bothrosome formation in Schizochytrium aggregatum (Labyrinthulomycetes, Stramenopiles) during zoospore settlement. Protist 168: 206-219.
1.Tanaka, A., Hoshino, Y., Nagasato, C. and Motomrua, T. (2017) Branch regeneration induced by sever damage in the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). Protoplasma 254:1341-1351.



Nagasato, C, Tanaka, A., Ito, T., Katsaros, C. and Motomura T. (2016) Intercellular translocation of molecules via plasmodesmata in the multiseriate filamentousbrown alga, Halopteris congesta (Sphacelariales,Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology DOI 10.1111/jpy.12498.




Kikutani, S., Nakajima, K., Nagasato, C., Tsuji, Y., Miyatake, A. and Matsuda, M. (2016) A novel luminal θ-carbonic anhydrase critical for growth and photosynthesis in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America DOI 10.1073/pnas.1603112113.


Kinoshita, N., Fu, G., Ito, T. and Motomura, T. (2016) Three-dimensional organization of flagellar basal apparatus in Ectocarpus gametes. Phycological Research 64:19-25.


Kinoshita, N., Nagasato, C., Tanaka, A. and Motomura, T. (2016) Chemotaxis in the anisogamous brown alga Mutimo cylindricus. Phycologia 55:359?364.


Yamada, K., Yoshikawa, S., Ohoki, K., Ichinomiya, M., Kuwata, A., Motomura, T., Nagasato, C. (2016) Ultrastructural analysis of siliceous cell wall regeneration in Triparma laevis (Parmales, Bolidophyceae). Phycologia. 55: 602-609


Yamada, K., Nagasato, C., Motomura, T., Ichinomiya, M., Kuwata, A., Kamiya, M., Ohki, K. and Yoshikawa, S. (2016) Mitotic spindle formation in Triparma laevis NIES-2565 (Parmales, Heterokontophyta). Protoplasma. DOI 10.1007/s00709-016-0967-x


Kinoshita, N., Nagasato, C. and Motomura, T. (2016). Chemotactic movement in sperm of the oogamous brown algae, Saccharina japonica and Fucus distichus. Protoplasma. DOI 10.1007/s00709-016-0974-y.


Terauchi, M., Nagasato, C., Inoue, A., Ito, T and Motomura, T. (2016). Distribution of alginate and cellulose and regulatory role of calcium in the cell wall of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae). Planta DOI 10.1007/s00425-016-2516-4.



Tanaka A, De Martino A, Amato A, Montsant A, Mathieu B, Rostaing P, Tirichine L, Bowler C. (2015) Ultrastructure and Membrane Traffic During Cell Division in the Marine Pennate Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Protist 166:506-521.


Zhang, J., Yao, J. T., Sun, Z. M., Fu, G., Galanin, D. A., Nagasato, C., Motomura, T., Hu, Z. M. and Duan, D. L. (2015) Phylogeographic data revealed shallow genetic structure in the kelp Saccharina japonica (Laminariales, Phaeophyta). BMC Evol. Biol. DOI. 10.1186/s12862-015-0517-8.


Iwai, H., Fukushima, M., Yamamoto, M. and Taizo Motomura, T. (2015) Seawater extractable organic matter (SWEOM) derived from a compost sample and its effect on the serving bioavailable Fe to the brown alga, Saccahrina japonica. Humic Substances Research. Humic Sub. Res. (In press)


Fu G, Nagasato C, Yamagishi T, Kawai H, Okuda K, Takao Y, Horiguchi T and Motomura T. (2015). Ubiquitous distribution of helmchrome in phototactic swarmers of the Stramenopiles. Protoplasma (In press)


Kinoshita N, Shiba K, Inaba K, Fu G, Nagasato C and Motomura T. (2015). Flagellar waveforms of gametes in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. Eur. J. Phycol. DOI 10.1080/09670262.2015.1109144.


Bailleul B, Berne N, Murik O, Petroutsos D, Prihoda J, Tanaka A, Villanova V, Bligny R, Flori S, Falconet D, Krieger-Liskay A, Santabarbara S, Rappaport F, Joliot P, Tirichine L, Falkowski P, Cardol P, Bowler C, Finazzi G. (2015). Energetic coupling between plastids and mitochondria drives CO2 assimilation in diatoms. Nature. 524:366-369


Klochkova T A, Shin Y J, Moon K H, Motomura T and Kim G H. (2015). New species of unicellular obligate parasite, Olpidiopsis pyropiae sp. nov., that plagues Pyropia sea farms in Korea. J. Appl. Phycol. DOI 10.1007/s10811-015-0595-4.


Nagasato C, Terauchi M, Tanaka A and Motomura T. (2015). Development and function of plasmodesmata in Fucus zygotes. Botanica Marina. 58: 229?238.


Villar E, Farrant G, Follows M, Garczarek L, Speich S, Audic S, Bittner L, Blanke B, Brum JR, Brune C, Casotti R, Chase A, Dolan JR, d'Ortenzio F, Gattuso JP, Grima N, Guidi L, Hill CN, Jahn O, Jamet JL, Le Goff H, Lepoivre C, Malviya S, Pelletier E, Romagnan JB, Roux S, Santini S, Scalco E, Schwenck SM, Tanaka A, Testor P, Vannier T, Vincent F, Zingone A, Dimier C, Picheral M, Searson S, Kandels-Lewis S, Tara Oceans coordinators, Acinas SG, Bork P, Boss E, de Vargas C, Gorsky G, Ogata H, Pesant S, Sullivan MB, Sunagawa S, Wincker P, Karsenti E, Bowler C, Not F, Hingamp P and Iudicone D. (2015). Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect inter-ocean plankton transport. Science. 348: 6237


Huysman MJJ, Tanaka A, Bowler C, Vyverman W and De Veylder L. (2015). Functional characterization of the diatom cyclin-dependent kinase A2 as a mitotic regulator reveals plant-like properties in a non-green lineage. BMC Plant Biol. in press.


Terauchi, M, Nagasato, C, and Motomura, T. (2015). Plasmodesmata of brown algae. J. Plant Res. 128:7-15.

2. Idei, M, Sato, S, Nagasato, C, Motomura, T, Toyoda, K, Nagumo, T, amnd Mann, D, G. (2015). Spermatogenesis and auxospore structure in the multipolar centric diatom Hydrosera. J. Phycol. 51, 144-158.
1.Iwai, H., Fukushima, M., Motomura, T., Kato, T., Kosugi, C. (2014) Effect of iron complexes with seawater extractable organic matter on oogenesis in gametophytes of brown macroalgae (Saccharina japonica). J. Appl. Phycol. 27:1583?1591.


6. J. Morrissey, R. Sutak, J. Paz-Yepes, A. Tanaka, A. Moustafa, A.j Veluchamy, Y. Thomas, H Botebol, F.Y. Bouget, J.B. McQuaid, L. Tirichine, A.E. Allen, E.l Lesuisse, and C.Bowler (2014) A Novel Protein, Ubiquitous in Marine Phytoplankton, Concentrates Iron at the Cell Surface and Facilitates Uptake. Curr. Biol. 25: 364-371.
5.Jong Won Han, J. W., Tatyana A. Klochkova, T. A, Shim, J., Nagasato, C. Motomura, T., and Kim, G. H. (2014) Identification of three proteins involved in fertilization and parthenogenetic development of a brown alga, Scytosiphon lomentaria. Planta. DOI 10.1007/s00425-014-2148-5.
4.Fu, G., Nagasato, C., Oka, S., Cock, M. J. and Motomura, T. (2014) Proteomics analysis of heterogeneous flagella in brown alga (Stramenopiles). Protist. DOI:10.1016/j.protis.2014.07.007.
3.Nagasato, C., Kajimura, N., Terauchi, M., Mineyuki, Y. and Motomura, T. (2014) Electron tomographic analysis of cytokinesis in the brown alga Silvetia babingtonii (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Protoplasma DOI 10.1007/s00709-014-0635-y.
2.Sato, T., Nagasato, C., Hara, Y. and Motomura, T. (2014) Cell cycle and nucleomorph division in Pyrenomonas helgolandii (Cryptophyta).Protist 165:113-122.
1.Fu, G., Kinoshita, N., Nagasato, C. and Motomura, T. (2014) Fertilization of brown algae: Flagellar function in phototaxis and chemotaxis. In Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants. (eds. Sawada, H. Inoue, N., and Iwano, M.) Springer Open.


2.Klochkova, T., Kwak, M-S, Han, J-Won, Motomura, T., Nagasato, C. and Kim, G-H. (2013) Cold-tolerant strain of Haematococcus pluvialis (Haematococcaceae, Chlorophyta) from Blomstrandhalv?ya (Svalbard). Algae 28, 185-192.
1.Fu, G., Nagasato, C., Ito, T., Muller, D. G. and Motomura, T. (2013) Ultrastructural analysis of flagellar development in plurilocular sporangia of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae). Protoplasma 250:261-272.


2.Kitauchi, T., Saito, T., Motomura, T., Arai, K., Yamaha, E. (2012) Distribution and function of germ plasm in cytoplasmic fragments from centrifuged eggs of the goldfish, Carassius auratus. J. Appl. Ichthyol.28:998-1005.
1.Terauchi, M., Nagasato, C., Kajimura, N., Mineyuki, Y., Okuda, K., Katsaros, C., Motomura. T. (2012) Ultrastructural Study of Plasmodesmata in the Brown Alga Dictyota dichotoma (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). Planta 236: 1013-1026.


1.Katsaros, C., Varvarigosa, V., Gachon, C. M. M., Jerry Brand, Motomura, T., Nagasato, C., and K?pper, F. C. (2011) Comparative immunofluorescence and ultrastructural analysis of microtubule organization in Uronema sp., Klebsormidium flaccidum, K. subtilissimum, Stichococcus bacillaris and S. chloranthus (Chlorophyta). Protist 162, 315-331.


8.Kimura, K., Nagasato, C., Shinya, U. and Motomura, T. (2010) Sperm mitochondrial DNA elimination in the zygote of the oogamous brown alga Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariale, Phaeophyceae). Cytologia 75: 353-361.
7.Nagasato, C., Inoue, A., Mizuno, M., Kanazawa, K., Ojima, T., Okuda, K., and Motomura, T. (2010) Membrane fusion process and assembly of cell wall during cytokinesis in the brown alga, Silvetia babingtonii (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Planta 232: 287-298.
6.Terauchi, M., Kato, A., Nagasato, C. and Motomura, T. (2010) Analysis of expressed sequence tags from the chrysophycean alga Ochromonas danica (Heterokontophyta). Phycological Research 58: 217-221.
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