

1. Cohen JE, Saitoh T (2016) Population dynamics, synchrony, and environmental quality of Hokkaido voles lead to temporal and spatial Taylor's laws. Ecology 97(12): 3402-3413.

2. Wakabayashi H, Noda S, Saitoh T (2017) Intraspecific variation in the frequency of multiple paternity in the Japanese wood mouse (Apodemus speciosus). Mammal Study 42:81-88.

3. Onodera R, Akimoto Y, Shimada T, Saitoh T (2017) Different population responses of three sympatric rodent species to acorn masting-the role of tannin tolerance. Population Ecology 59:29-43.

4. Terada C, Saitoh T (2018) Phenotypic and genetic divergence among island populations of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) in southern Japan: a test of the local adaptation hypothesis. Population Ecology 60: 211-221.

5. Yamada T, Saitoh T (2018) Serial sampling bridges a gap between ecological and genetical definitions of immigrant: an empirical test in a grey-sided vole population. Mammal Research 63(2):141-150.

6. 齊藤 隆 (2018) 個体群(population):生態学の基本単位. 浅見崇比呂編,「動物の百科事典」丸善出版株式会社.分担執筆

7. Sato JJ, Shimada T, Kyogoku D, Komura T, Uemura S, Saitoh T, Isagi Y (2018) Dietary niche partitioning between sympatric wood mouse species (Muridae: Apodemus) revealed by DNA meta-barcoding analysis. Journal of Mammalogy 99(4): 952-964.

8. Saitoh T, Cohen JE (2018) Environmental variability and density dependence in the temporal Taylor's laws. Ecological Modelling 387: 134-143.

9. Wakabayashi H, Saitoh T (2020) Estimation of multiple male mating frequency using paternity skew: An example from a grey-sided vole (Myodes rufocanus) population. Molecular Ecology Resources 20(2): 444-456.

10. Saitoh T (2020) Effects of environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal on temporal and spatial slopes of Taylor's power law. Population Ecology 60(2): 300-316.

11. Shibata M, Masaki T, Yagihashi T, Shimada T, and Saitoh T (2020) Decadal changes in masting behavior of oak trees: A resource allocation shift caused by climate change as a possible mechanism. Journal of Ecology 108(3): 1088-1100.

12. Saitoh T (2020) High variation of mitochondrial DNA diversity as compared to nuclear microsatellites in mammalian populations. Ecological Research 2020:1-14.


1. Shimada T, Nishii E, Saitoh T (2011) Interspecific differences in tannin intake levels of forest-dwelling rodents in the wild revealed by a new method using fecal proline content. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:1277-1284.

2. Toyama M, Saitoh T (2011) Food-niche differences between two syntopic scops owls on Okinawa island, Japan. Journal of Raptor Research 45(1): 79-87.

3. De Guia APO, Saitoh T (2011) Evolutionary Significant Units of Gray-Sided Vole (Myodes rufocanus) in Hokkaido, Japan. The Philippine Journal of Science 140(1):41-50.

4. Terada C, Tatsuzawa S, Saitoh T (2012) Ecological correlates and determinants in the geographical variation of deer morphology. Oecologia :169: 981-994.

5. Terada C, Yamada T, Uno H, Saitoh T (2013) New mtDNA haplotypes of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) found in Hokkaido, Japan suggest human-mediated immigration. Mammal Study 38(2):123-129.

6. Kawai K, Hailer F, de Guia AP, Ichikawa H, Saitoh T (2013) Refugia in glacial ages lead to the current discontinuous distribution patterns of the dark red-backed vole Myodes rex on Hokkaido, Japan. Zoological Science 30:642-650.

7. Ishibashi Y, Zenitani J, Saitoh (2013) Male-biased dispersal makes intersexual difference in subpopulation structure of the gray-sided vole. Journal of Heredity 104(5):718-724.

8. Mori T, Saitoh T (2014) Flood disturbance and predator-prey effects on regional gradients in species diversity. Ecology 95(1): 132-141.

9. Ou W, Takekawa S, Yamada T, Masuda R, Nagata J, Uno H, Saitoh T (2014) Change in spatial genetic structure of an expanding population of the sika deer during recent 15 years in Hokkaido, Japan. Population Ecology 56: 311-325.

10. 寺田千里,齊藤 隆 (2014) 島嶼ルールと局所適応:ヤクシカを中心に面積と地形の関係について考える. 科学 66(1): 24-26.

11. Uraguchi K, Iijima H, Ueno M, Saitoh T (2014) Demographic analysis of a fox population suffering from sarcoptic mange. Journal of Wildlife Management 78(8): 1356-1371.

12. Saitoh T, Kaji K, Izawa M, Yamada F (2015) Conservation and management of terrestrial mammals in Japan: its organizational system and practices. Therya 6 (1): 139-153.

13. Ohdachi S, Iwasa M, Ishibashi Y, Fukui D, Saitoh T (eds) (2015) The Wild Mammals of Japan. 2nd edition. Shoukadoh Book Sellers, Kyoto, 506 pp.


1. Uno T, Kaji K, Saitoh T, Matsuda H, Hirakawa H, Yamamura K, Tamada K (2006) Evaluation of relative density indices for sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecological Research 21: 624-632.

2. Saitoh T, Cazelles B, Vik JO, Viljugrein H, Stenseth NC (2006) Effects of the regime shift on population dynamics of the grey-sided vole in Hokkaido, Japan. Climate Research 32: 109-118.

3. Berteaux D, Humphries MM, Krebs CJ, Lima M, McAdam AG, Pettorelli N, Reale D, Saitoh T, Tkadlec E, Weladji RB, Stenseth NC, (2006) Constraints to predicting the effects of climate change on mammals. Climate Research 32: 151-158.

4. Shimada T, Saitoh T, Osawa R, Sasaki E (2006) How does the Japanese wood mouse A. speciosus overcome the negative effects of tannins in acorns?: Effectiveness of the acclimation mediated by tannin-binding salivary proteins and tannase-producing enterobacteria. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 1165-1180.

5. Shimada T, Saitoh T (2006) Re-evaluation of the relationship between rodent populations and acorn masting: a review from the aspect of nutrients and defensive chemicals in acorns. Population Ecology 48: 341-352.

6. De Guia APO, Saitoh T (2007) The gap between the concept and definitions in the Evolutionarily Significant Unit: the need to integrate neutral genetic variation and adaptive variation. Ecological Research 22: 604-612.

7. De Guia APO, Saitoh T, Ishibashi Y, Abe H (2007) Taxonomic status of the vole in Daikoku Island, Hokkaido, Japan: examination based on morphology and genetics. Mammal Study 32(1): 33-44.

8. Kusumoto K, Saitoh T (2007) Optimal conditions for immune function of the grey-sided vole Clethrionomys rufocanus : temperature and immunized period. Mammal Study32(1): 45-48.

9. Ueno M, Nishimura C, Takahashi H, Kaji K, Saitoh T (2007) Fecal nitrogen as an index of diet quality in two contrasting sika deer Cervus nippon populations . Acta theriologica 52 (2): 119-128.

10. Ohnishi N, Saitoh, T, Ishibashi Y, Oi T (2007) Low genetic diversities in isolated populations of the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus ) in Japan, in comparison with large stable populations. Conservation Genetics 8: 1331-1337.

11. Saitoh T, Osawa J, Takanishi T, Hayakashi S, Ohmori M, Morita T, Uemura S, Vik JO, Stenseth NC,Maekawa K (2007) Different responses to acorn masting by different species of forest dwelling rodents in Hokkaido, Japan. Population Ecology 49: 249-256.

12. Saitoh T, de Guia APO, Kato Y, Maekawa K (2007) Taxonomic, genetic and ecological status of the Daikoku vole. Proceeding of International Symposium on The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity pp. 145-150.

13. Yamamura K, Matsuda H, Yokomizo H, Kaji K, Uno H, Tamada K, Kurumada T, Saitoh T, Hirakawa H (2008) Harvest-based Bayesian estimation of sika deer populations using a state-space model. Population Ecology 50(2): 131-144.

14. Saitoh T, Vik JO, Stenseth NC. Takanishi T, Hayakashi,S, Ishida N, Ohmori M, Morita T, Uemura S, Kadomatsu M, Osawa J, Maekawa K (2008) Effects of acorn abundance on density dependence in a Japanese wood mouse (Apodemus speciosus ) population. Population Ecology 50(2): 159-167.

15. Kusumoto K, Saitoh T (2008) Effects of cold stress on immune function in the grey-sided vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus). Mammal Study 33(1): 11-18.

16. Ishibashi Y, Saitoh T (2008a) Effect of local density of males on the occurrence of multimale mating in the gray-sided vole (Myodes rufocanus). Journal of Mammalogy 89:388-397.

17. Ishibashi Y, Saitoh T (2008b) Role of male-biased dispersal in inbreeding avoidance in the grey-sided vole (Myodes rufocanus). Molecular Ecology 17: 488-4896.

18. Uraguchi K, Yamamura K, Saitoh T (2009) An estimate of family numbers in an urban fox population by using two public data. Population Ecology 51(2): 271-277.

19. Ueno M, Matsuishi T, Solberg EJ, Saitoh T (2009) Application of cohort analysis with plus group to harvest data of large terrestrial mammals. Mammal Study 34(2):65-76.

20. Rayadin Y, Saitoh T (2009) Individual variation in nest size and nest site features of the Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). American Journal of Primatology 71:393-399.

21. Ohdachi S, Iwasa M, Ishibashi Y, Saitoh T (eds) (2009) The Wild Mammals of Japan. Shokadoh Press.

22. Mori T, Murakami M, Saitoh T (2010) Latitudinal gradients in stream invertebrate assemblages at a regional scale on Hokkaido Island, Japan. Freshwater Biology 55:1520-1532.

23. 齊藤 隆 (2009) 数を調べると何がわかるのか? 野ネズミの個体数変動を例に.「数えると見えてくる生物の数の不思議」,文一総合出版.

24. Ueno M, Kaji K, Saitoh T (2010) Culling versus density effects in management of a deer population. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1472-1483.

25. Kaji K, Uno H, Matsuda H, Saitoh T, Yamamura K (2010) Adaptive management of sika deer populations in Hokkaido, Japan: theory and practice. Population Ecology 52:373-387.


1. Kawashima, M. and T. Saitoh (2001) Sexual differences in behavioral responses to social odors in the gray-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus: a laboratory and field study. Mammal Study 26: 119-131.

2. Saitoh, T., Y. Ishibashi, H. Kanamori and E. Kitahara (2001) Genetic status of fragmented populations of the Asian black bear Ursus thibetanus in western Japan. Population Ecology 43:221-227.

3. N. C. Stenseth, M. O. Kittilsen, D.Hjermann, H. Viljugrein and T. Saitoh (2002) Interaction between seasonal density-dependence structures and length of the seasons explain the geographical structure of the dynamics of voles in Hokkaido: an example of seasonal forcing. Proceedings of Royal Society London B 269(1503):1853-1863.

4. Matsuda , H., H. Uno, K. Tamada, K. Kaji, T. Saitoh, H. Hirakawa, T. Kurumada and T. Fujimoto (2002) Harvest-based estimation of population size for sika deer in Hokkaido Island, Japan. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30(4): 1160-1171.

5. Haydon, D., C. Greenwood, N. C. Stenseth and T. Saitoh (2003) Spatio-temporal dynamics of the grey-sided vole in Hokkaido: identifying coupling using state-based Markov-chain modeling. Proceedings of Royal Society London B 270: 435-445.

6. Shimada, T. and T. Saitoh (2003) Deleterious effects of acorns on the wood mouse Apodemus speciosus. Population Ecology 45: 7-17.

7. Stenseth, N. C., H. Viljugrein, T. Saitoh, T. F. Hansen, M. O. Kittilsen, E. Bolviken and F. Glockner (2003) Seasonality, density dependence and population cycles in Hokkaido voles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100: 11478-11483

8. Saitoh, T., N. C. Stenseth, H. Viljugrein and M. O. Kittilsen (2003) Mechanisms of density dependence in fluctuating vole populations: deducing annual density dependence from seasonal processes. Population Ecology 45(3): 165-173

9. Ishibashi, Y. and T. Saitoh (2004) Phylogeographic relationship among fragmented populations of the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) in the western part of Japan revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Conservation Genetics 5: 311-323.

10. Shimada, T., T. Saitoh and T. Matsui (2004) Does acclimation reduce the negative effects of acorn tannins in the wood mouse Apodemus speciosus? Acta Theriologica 49(2):203-214.

11. 齊藤 隆 (2001) 動物の個体数変動が教えてくれること(野ねずみの長期個体数調査資料の分析から).科学 71(1):50-56.

12. 齊藤 隆 (2002) 森のねずみ生態学(個体数変動の謎を探る).京都大学出版.

13. 齊藤 隆 (2003) 個体数変動.日本生態学会編,「生態学辞典」共立出版,Pp.173-175.(分担執筆)

14. 齊藤 隆 (2004) エゾヤチネズミの個体数変動パターンの地理的変異(など北方で大変動するのか).海洋 36:739-744.

15. 齊藤 隆 (2004) 個体間の相互作用と個体群.日本生態学会編,「生態学入門」東京化学同人 Pp.122-165.(分担執筆)

16. 齊藤 隆 (2004) 野ねずみにおける個体数変動パターンの地理的な勾配:密度依存性のパターンとプロセス. 日本生態学会誌 54:249-253.


1. Ishibashi, Y., T. Saitoh, S Abe and M. C. Yoshida (1996) Null microsatellite alleles due to nucleotide sequence variation in the grey-sided vole Clethrionomys rufocanus. Molecular Ecology, 5: 589-590.

2. Bjornstad, O. N. , S. Champley, N. C. Stenseth and T. Saitoh (1996) Cyclicity and stability of grey-sided voles, Clethrionomys rufocanus of Hokkaido: evidence from spectral and principal components analyses. Philosophical Transection of the Royal Society of London B 351:867-875.

3. Stenseth, N. C., O. N. Bjornstad and T. Saitoh (1996) A gradient from stable to cyclic populations of Clethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, Japan. Proceedings of Royal Society London B, 263, 1117-1126.

4. Ishibashi, Y., T. Saitoh, S Abe and M. C. Yoshida (1997) Sex-related spatial kin structure in a spring vole population of Clethrionomys rufocanus as revealed by mitochondrial and microstellite DNA analyses. Molecular Ecology 6: 63-71

5. Saitoh, T., N. C. Stenseth and O. N. Bjornstad (1997) Density dependence in fluctuating grey-sided vole populations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 66: 14-24.

6. Saitoh, T. and A. Nakatsu (1997) Impact of forest plantation on the community of small mammals in Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study 22: 27-38

7. Ishibashi, Y., T. Saitoh, S. Abe and M. C. Yoshida(1997) Cross-species amplification in old world microtine rodents with pcr primers for grey-sided vole microsatellites. Mammal Study, 22: 5-10.

8. Stenseth N. C. and T. Saitoh (1998) The population ecology of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus: a preface. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 1-3.

9. Stenseth N. C., T. Saitoh and N. G. Yoccoz (1998) Frontiers in population ecology of microtine rodents: a pluralistic approach to the study of population ecology. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 5-20.

10. Kaneko, Y., K. Nakata, T. Saitoh, N. C. Stenseth and O. N. Bjornstad (1998) The biology of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus : a review. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 21-37.

11. Ishibashi, Y., T. Saitoh and M. Kawata (1998) Social organization of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus and its demographic and genetic consequences: a review. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 39-50.

12. Ishibashi, Y., T. Saitoh, S. Abe and M. C. Yoshida (1998) Kin-related social organization in a winter population of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 51-59.

13. Saitoh, T., N. C. Stenseth and O. N. Bjornstad (1998) The population dynamics of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, Japan. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 61-76.

14. Bjornstad, O. N., N. C. Stenseth, T. Saitoh and O. C. Lindgjaerde (1998) Mapping the regional transition in dynamics of Clethrionomys rufocanus: spectral densities and functional data analysis. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 77-84.

15. Stenseth, N. C., O. N. Bjornstad and T. Saitoh (1998) Seasonal forcing on the dynamics of Clethrionomys rufocanus: modeling geographic gradients in population dynamics. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 85-95.

16. Saitoh , T. and K. Takahashi (1998) The role of vole populations in prevalence of the parasite (Echinococcus multilocularis) in foxes. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 97-105.

17. Yoccoz, N. G., K. Nakata, N. C. Stenseth and T. Saitoh (1998) The demography of Clethrionomys rufocanus: from mathematical and statistical models to further field studies. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 107-121.

18. Stenseth, N. C. and T. Saitoh (1998) What do we know and what do we need to know about the population ecology of the vole Clethrionomys rufocanus? : a conclusion. Researches on Population Ecology 40: 153-158.

19. Ohnishi, N., Y. Ishibashi, T. Saitoh, S. Abe, and M. C. Yoshida (1998) Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in Japanese small wood mice Apodemus argenteus. Molecular Ecology 7: 1431-1432.

20. Bjornstad, O. N., N. C. Stenseth and T. Saitoh (1999) Synchrony and scaling in dynamics of voles and mice in northern Japan. Ecology 80(2): 622-637.

21. Saitoh, T., N. C. Stenseth and O. N. Bjornstad (1999) Density-dependence in voles and mice: a comparative study. Ecology 80(2): 638-650.

22. Ishibashi, Y. Y. Yoshinaga, T. Saitoh, S. Abe, H. Iida and M. C. Yoshida (1999) Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the field vole Microtus montebelli. Molecular Ecology 8: 163-164

23. Matsuda, H., K. Kaji, H. Uno, H. Hirakawa and T. Saitoh (1999) A management policy of sika deer by manipulating hunting pressures based on critical, target and outbreak population levels. Researches on Population Ecology 41(2): 139-149.

24. Kaji, K., M. Miyaki, T. Saitoh, S. Ono and M. Kaneko (2000) Spatial distribution of an expanding sika deer population in Hokkaido, Japan. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(3):699-707.

25. Ohnishi, N., T. Saitoh and Y. Ishibashi (2000) Space related genetic relationship between individuals of the Japanese wood mouse Apodemus argenteus. Ecological Research 15(3): 285-292.

26. Kitahara, E. Y. Isagi, Y. Ishibashi and T. Saitoh (2000) Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus. Molecular Ecology 9: 1661-1662.

27. Bujalska, G. and T. Saitoh (2000) Territoriality and its consequences. Polish Journal of Ecology 48 (supplement): 37-49.

28. Ohnishi, N. and T. Saitoh (2000) Trapping methods of wood mice for genetic analyses. Mammal Study 25(2): 145-148.

29. 齊藤隆・川路則友・工藤琢磨(2000)ドングリを持ち去るのは誰か?(「分散貯蔵」されたミズナラ堅果の消失). 北方林業 52(10): 215-218.

30. 齊藤 隆(1999)エゾヤチネズミ:個体数変動の特徴 (発生予察データの分析からわかったこと). 森林防疫 48(12): 223-234.

31. 梶光一・松田裕之・宇野裕之・平川浩文・玉田克巳・齊藤隆(1998)エゾシカ個体群の管理方法とその課題. 哺乳類科学38:301-313

32. 齊藤 隆 (1998) ネズミとキツネとエキノコックス ネズミ数の長期間の調査結果から. Pp. 90-96. 森林総合研究所北海道支所編「北海道森を知る」、北海道新聞社.

33. 齊藤 隆 (1998) ネズミの家族関係を追う (DNA分析から). Pp. 87-90. 森林総合研究所北海道支所編「北海道森を知る」、北海道新聞社).

34. 大串隆之・齊藤隆 (1997) 個体群研究のフロンティア:個体群生態学の新たな発展. 日本生態学会誌、47:163-165.

35. 齊藤 隆 (1997) やらなきゃわからないエゾヤチネズミの個体数変動の特徴. 日本生態学会誌、47: 167-169.

36. 齊藤 隆 ・石橋靖幸 (1996) DNAを使ってエゾヤチネズミの婚姻形態を探る. Shinka, 6: 153-156.

37. 齊藤 隆 (1996): コンピューター・インテンシヴな最近の個体群密度依存性の検出方法. 個体群生態学会会報、53: 81-85.


1. Saitoh, T. (1991) The effects and the limits of the territoriality on population regulation in the grey red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Researches on Population Ecology 33: 367-386.

2. Henttonen, H., L. Hansson, and T. Saitoh (1992) Rodent dynamics and community structure: Clethrionomys rufocanus in northern Fennoscandia and on Hokkaido. Annales Zoologica Fennici 29:1-6.

3. Saitoh, T. and A. Nakatsu (1993) Effects of size and perimeter of removal plots on immigration of the grey red-backed vole. Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan 18:79-86.

4. Ishibashi, Y., T. Saitoh, S. Abe, and M. C. Yoshida (1995) Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers of the grey red-backed vole Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Molecular Ecology 4(1): 127-128.

5. Saitoh, T. (1995) Sexual differences in the natal dispersal and philopatry of the grey-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus. Researches on Population Ecology 37(1): 49-57.

6. Kawaji, N., T. Saitoh, Y. Ishibashi, and M. C. Yoshida (1995) An example of polygyny in the short-tailed bush warbler Cettia squameiceps. Japanese Journal of Ornithology 44(2): 93-97.

7. 齊藤 隆 (1992) レミングとネズミの大発生. 「動物たちの地球」、朝日新聞社、58:300.

8. 石橋靖幸・齊藤 隆(1992)エゾヤチネズミの父親判定とDNA分析. 北方林業、 44:113-115.

9. 齊藤 隆(1991) 個体群とその動態. Pp.145-166. 川道武男、朝日稔、三浦慎悟編「現代の哺乳類学」、朝倉書店.


1. Saitoh, T. (1987) A time series and geographical analysis of population dynamics of the red-backed vole in Hokkaido, Japan. Oecologia (Berlin) 73:382-388.

2. Uraguchi, K., T. Saitoh, N. Kondo, and H. Abe (1987) Food habits of the feral mink (Mustela vison Schreber) in Hokkaido. Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan 12: 57-67.

3. Kondo, N., T. Saitoh, K. Uraguchi, and H. Abe (1988) Age determination, growth and sexual dimorphism of the feral mink (Mustela vison) in Hokkaido. Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan 13: 69-75.

4. Kawata, M. and T. Saitoh (1988) The effect of introduced males on spatial patterns of initially introduced red-backed voles. Acta theriologica 33:585-588

5. Saitoh, T.(1989) Communal nesting and spatial structure in an early spring population of the gray red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan 14: 27-41.

6. Abe, H., T. Shida, and T. Saitoh (1989) Effects of reduced vertical space and arboreal food supply on densities of three forest rodents. Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan14: 43-52.

7. Saitoh, T. (1989) Effects of added food on some attributes of an enclosed vole population. Journal of Mammalogy 70: 772-782.

8. Saitoh, T. (1990) Lifetime reproductive success in reproductively suppressed female voles. Researches on Population Ecology 32: 391-406.

9. 伊藤嘉昭・藤崎憲治・齊藤隆 (1990): 「動物たちの生き残り戦略」、NHKブックス.

10. 齊藤 隆(1990)個体群生態学の展開. 科学、60(8): 539-545.

11. 齊藤 隆(1990)北海道で野生化したミンクの生態. アニマ、pp.42.

12. 齊藤 隆 (1988) エゾヤチネズミ個体群は本当にサイクル変動するのか. 北方林業 40: 283-286.

13. 河田 雅圭・齊藤 隆 (1987) エゾヤチネズミの社会構造と繁殖の抑制. サイエンス(日本版)17: 74-85.

14. 齊藤 隆 (1986) 哺乳類における繁殖の抑制と失敗:ゲッシ類個体群における量的検討. 哺乳類科学、52:21-43.


1. Saitoh, T.(1981) Control of female maturation in high density populations of the red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Journal of Animal Ecology 50:79-87.

2. Saitoh, T. (1983) Survival rate and mobility in an enclosed population of red-backed voles, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Acta theriologica 8: 301-315.

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