Akkeshi Marine Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University

Nakaoka Lab

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Selected Publications click for extended list (in pdf)
Seagrass Ecology (since 1999)
Rocky Intertidal Ecology (since 2003)
Bivalve Ecology (from 1993 to 2000)

Seagrass Ecology
  • Yamada, K., Hori, M., Tanaka, Y., Hasegawa, N. and Nakaoka, M. (in press) Contribution of different functional groups to the diet of major predatory fishes at a seagrass meadow in northeastern Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
  • Hori, M., Suzuki, T., Monthum, Y., Srisombat, T., Tanaka, Y., Nakaoka, M. and Mukai, H. (2009) High seagrass diversity and canopy height increase the associated fish diversity and abundance. Marine Biology 156: 1447-1458
  • Yamakita, T. and Nakaoka, M. (2009) Scale dependency in seagrass dynamics: how does the neighboring effect vary with grain of observation? Population Ecology 51: 33-40
  • Nakaoka, M., Matsumasa, M., Toyohara, T. and Williams, S.L. (2008) T Animals on marine flowers: Does the presence of flowering shoots affect mobile epifaunal assemblage in an eelgrass meadow? Marine Biology 153: 589-598
  • Nakaoka, M., Tanaka, Y., Mukai, H., Suzuki, T. and Aryuthaka C. (2007) Tsunami impacts on biodiversity of seagrass communities in the Andaman Sea, Thailand: (1) Seagrass abundance and diversity. In, Rigby P. R., Shirayama, Y., editors, Selected Papers of the NaGISA Wrold Congress 2006, pp. 49-56
  • Whanpetch, N., Nakaoka, M., Mukai, H., Suzuki, T., Nojima, S., Kawai, T., and Aryuthaka, C. (2007) Tsunami impacts on biodiversity of seagrass communities in the Andaman Sea, Thailand: (2) Abundance and diversity of benthic animals. In, Rigby P. R., Shirayama, Y., editors, Selected Papers of the NaGISA Wrold Congress 2006, pp. 57-66
  • Tanaka, Y., Nakaoka, M. (2007) Interspecific variation in photosynthesis and respiration balance of three seagrasses in relation to light availability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 350:63-70
  • Watanabe, M., Nakaoka, M. Mukai, H. (2005) Seasonal variation in vegetative growth and production of the endemic seagrass Zostera asiatica in Japan: a comparison with sympatric Zostera marina. Botanica Marina 48: 266-273 DOI: 10.1515/BOT.2005.036 pdf
  • Nakaoka, M. (2005) Plant-animal interactions in seagrass beds: ongoing and future challenges for understanding population and community dynamics. Population Ecology 47: 167-177 DOI: 10.1007/s10144-005-0226-z pdf
  • Nakaoka, M., Kouchi, N. and Aioi, K. (2003) Seasonal dynamics of Zostera caulescens: relative importance of flowering shoots to net production. Aquatic Botany 77: 277-293 DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2003.08.002 pdf
  • Aioi, K. and Nakaoka, M. (2003) Seagrasses of Japan. In, Green, E.P. and Short, F.T., editors, World Atlas of Seagrasses. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA, pp. 185-192
  • Nakaoka, M., Mukai, H. and Chunhabundit, S. (2002) Impacts of dugong foraging on benthic animal communities in a Thailand seagrass bed. Ecological Research 17: 625-638 DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1703.2002.00520.x
  • Nakaoka, M. (2002) Predation on seeds of seagrasses Zostera marina and Zostera caulescens by a tanaid crustacean Zeuxo sp. Aquatic Botany 72: 99-106 pdf
  • Nakaoka, M. and Aioi, K. (2001) Ecology of seagrasses Zostera spp. (Zosteraceae) in Japanese waters: A review. Otsuchi Marine Science 26: 7-22
  • Nakaoka, M. and Aioi, K. (1999) Growth of the seagrass Halophila ovalis at the dugong trails compared to existing within-patch variation in a Thailand intertidal flat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 184: 97-103

  • Intertidal Ecology
  • Tsujino, M., Hori, M., Okuda, T., Nakaoka, M., Yamamoto, T. and Noda, T. (2010) Distance decay of community dynamics in rocky intertidal sessile assemblages evaluated by transition matrix models. Population Ecology 52: 171-180
  • Okuda, T., Noda, T., Yamamoto, T., Hori, M. and Nakaoka, M. (2008) Latitudinal gradients in species richness in assemblages of sessile animals in rocky intertidal zone: mechanisms determining scale-dependent variability. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 328-337
  • Nakaoka M, Ito N, Yamamoto T, Okuda T, Noda T (2006) Similarity of rocky intertidal assemblages along the Pacific Coast of Japan: Effects of spatial scales and geographic distance. Ecological Research 21: 425-435 DOI: 10.1007/s11284-005-0138-6
  • Okuda, T., Noda, T., Yamamoto, T. Ito, N. and Nakaoka, M. (2004) Latitudinal gradient of species diversity: multi?scale variability in rocky intertidal sessile assemblages along the Northwestern Pacific coast. Population Ecology 46: 159-170 DOI: 10.1007/s10144-004-0185-9 pdf
  • Yamamoto, T., Nakaoka, M., Komatsu T., Kawai H., Marine Life Research Group of Takeno and Ohwada, K. (2003) Impacts by heavy-oil spill from the Russian tanker Nakhodka on intertidal ecosystems: Recovery of animal community. Marine Pollution Bulletin 47: 91-98 DOI: 10.1016/S0025-326X(03)00051-1

  • Bivalve Ecology
  • Nakaoka, M. (2000) Nonlethal effects of predators on prey populations: predator-mediated change in bivalve growth. Ecology 81: 1031-1045 DOI: 10.2307/177176
  • Nakaoka, M. and Ohta S. (1998) Seasonal variation in reproduction and population structure of the bivalve Limopsis tajimae in the upper bathyal zone of Suruga Bay, Japan. Marine Biology 132: 471-481 DOI: 10.1007/s002270050413
  • Nakaoka, M. (1997) Demography of the marine bivalve Yoldia notabilis in fluctuating environments: an analysis using stochastic matrix model. Oikos 79: 59-68
  • Nakaoka, M. (1996) Dynamics of age- and size-structured populations in fluctuating environments: Applications of stochastic matrix models to natural populations. Researches on Population Ecology 38: 141-152 DOI: 10.1007/BF02515722
  • Nakaoka, M. (1992) Spatial and seasonal variation in growth rate and secondary production of Yoldia notabilis in Otsuchi Bay, Japan, with reference to the influence of food supply from the water column. Marine Ecology Progress Series 88: 215-223

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